Exploring Languages and Literatures for Evolving Pedagogical Practices

  • Track - 1: Multidisciplinarity and Innovations in English Studies

    “The principal goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done.” — Jean Piaget

    • English across Curricula
    • English Language and Literature in Other Disciplines (Law, Medicine, Business, Shipping, Defense, Architecture, Engineering, Fashion, etc)
    • NEP – Place of English in Education
    • NEP 2020, NCF 2023 and such: Impact on Education (Policy and Education)
    • Pedagogical Methods through Visual Narratives
    • Assessment in the 21st Century Research Areas and Methods
  • Track - 5: India Reads

    A key initiative of ELT@I launched in the October 2023 Annual Conference hosted by Uttaranchal University in Dehradun was India Reads. ASER reports (2023) about 25% of teenagers (14-18) are unable to read std. II level texts in their mother tongues - a matter of grave concern for our community.

    • Developing Reading Competencies at Different Levels
    • Storytelling and English Language Learning
    • Multimodality and Reading
    • Cultural and Critical Literacies through Reading
    • Policies around Developing Reading Initiatives to Promote the Culture of Reading

While these are the sub-themes and topics we have laid out, do remember

“We have no limits to our world. We're only limited by our imagination.” ― Bob Ross

We invite submissions that relate to the theme of the Conference and English Language Studies in general.

An event for

Get curious. Be inspired. Create your future.

We’re inviting the top creatives in the tech industry from all over the world to come learn, grow, scrape their knees, try new things, to be vulnerable, and to have epic adventures

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Conference Theme

English for Global Citizenship: Multiple Teaching Acts and Learning Experiences

  • Varied pedagogical approaches for different literary genres.
  • Multiple approaches for primary level.
  • Secondary level – Should the teaching approach be different?.
  • Appropriate methods in the current context.
  • In-person learning Vs online learning - Differences.
  • Online sources for learning English.
  • NEP 2020 - the role of mother tongue.
  • Variations in the learning styles of the present generation.
  • Cultivating reading culture among different age groups.
  • Artificial intelligence in language learning and teaching.
  • Reading reluctances and strategies to overcome.
  • Is it mother tongue Vs English or mother tongue + English?.
  • India mass media and their use of English.
  • Social media and transformations of English.
  • Contemporary Indian literature.

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We’re inviting the top creatives in the tech industry from all over the world to come learn, grow, scrape their knees, try new things, to be vulnerable, epic adventures

August Myth

We’re inviting the top creatives in the tech industry from all over the world to come learn, grow, scrape their knees, try new things, to be vulnerable, epic adventures

August Myth

We’re inviting the top creatives in the tech industry from all over the world to come learn, grow, scrape their knees, try new things, to be vulnerable, epic adventures

August Myth